Ab urbe condita MMDCCLXXV - 2775 from the founding of the City (Year 2022) Coffee Mug
Do you love Ancient Rome, classical culture and pagan traditions? If you are on the opinion that classical Latin is superior to modern languages and prefer the Roman way of expressing dates over the Christian calendar? Then this Ab urbe condita MMDCCLXXV coffee mug is for you and your fellow Roman friends.
• Ceramic
• 11 oz mug dimensions: 3.85″ (9.8 cm) in height, 3.35″ (8.5 cm) in diameter
• 15 oz mug dimensions: 4.7″ (12 cm) in height, 3.35″ (8.5 cm) in diameter
• Dishwasher and microwave safe
• Blank product sourced from China
Standard processing and shipping time within the United States and the European Union is on average 6-7 days. For orders outside North America and Europe, the shipping time may be up to two weeks.
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